Friday 3 August 2012

Course Reading

The Literature Continuum and Deep Literacy: Chapter 24
Winch et al. (2012)

One of the key ideas in this chapter is that literacy texts broaden our ways of thinking, feeling and being in the world.

Below I have include two quotes which I found very valuable in developing my understanding of language and literacy:

‘’Readers are exposed, sometimes without realizing it, to a mass of complex these that, like icebergs, may show only as tiny tips. But these tips are indicators of great depths and they act as subtle and implicit guides in the development of knowing readers (pp. 491).’’

I chose this quote from the text as it really helped me visualize the definition of literature and our role as the reader. It allowed me to gain a better understanding of the role and effects that literature can have on an individual without them even realizing. I also saw this as being a great teaching tool to use in the future when helping students understand and comprehend stories (by using the ice berg concept).

‘’Even after children can read for themselves, teachers need to continue to read with them, but to read books that are challenging, and that children may never pick up to read for themselves. When reading aloud to children, be bold and adventurous in the choice of texts and in expectations of children’s interactions with them (pp. 495).”

I really liked this quote from the text as I had never really considered the importance of continuing to read to students even after they have developed reading skills. I often thought that by reading aloud to students the teacher was allowing the students to 'slack off'. Whereas after reading this chapter I understand that by reading to the students the teachers are able to challenge the students understanding of various ideas, structures and concepts throughout literature.

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