Monday 27 August 2012

Sophie - Picture Book

*Ziba came on a boat*

'Ziba came on a boat' was written by Liz Lofthouse and illustrated by Robert Ingpen, published in 2007. It covers what I believe is the untold story of a very topical issue; the journey of families who are seeking asylum. The story is told through the eyes of Ziba, a young girl who is at least school age, journeying on a boat, to what we can assume is Australia. The story depicts the frightening boat journey and reflects on Ziba's life in her home country. We can presume she is from Afghanistan or another middle eastern country, based on the illustrations and details about her life.

The illustrations depict the story, through the colour and the texture Ingpen uses. The pictures are mostly dark reflecting the mood, except for those where she is with her father or mother. The pictures are drawn in a sketchy fuzzy way, which I think reflects the characters feelings and future. Often those seeking refugee status in other countries can't speak the language, so they are unsure of what is going to happen when they arrive, or even along the way. Not only that, on a boat such as the one Ziba came on, they often do not know if they will ever make it to their destination. It is a sad story but one that needs to be told. I think it is especially important for students to know what refugee children endure and to form an educated opinion about the topic given the way it is presented in the media.

This narrative is essentially a quest but given that it does not end with any event or arrival, it could be considered somewhat of a tragedy. The story ends 'And the boat rose and fell, rose and fell, across an endless sea..'. To use this text in a classroom setting I think it is appropriate for students years 6/7 onwards and could be used to begin a topic about refugees in SOSE.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic choice Sophie! This looks like a great book, and one that exposes students to real life issues that will help them to understand the world we live in. It is also great that it has cross curricular properties as it would be a great tool to use to initially engage students in the topic of refugees.
